David Gibson

Co-Founder Hawke’s Brewing Co.

Tell me about your time in advertising. How did you get started and why did you leave?

I was lucky enough to get a job as a junior at a small agency straight out of college. I left because I had always wanted my own business. And something in my gut told me I had to quit the job of my dreams and have a crack at a new dream or I would regret it.

What are you doing now? 

I’m the co-founder of a beer brand, brewery and hospitality venue called Hawke’s Brewing Co. Along with my business partner Nathan Lennon, we built the business to a size where we are lucky enough to hire people that are far better than us to run it. Now along with Nathan we look after the creative and strategic direction of the business.

How did the idea for Hawke’s Brewing come about? 

We were sitting in our office one winter's day at Droga5 New York, discussing our joint homesickness for Australia and Nathan turns to me and says, “if you were back home right now who would you want to have a beer with” to which I replied, “Bob Hawke”. For those of you who don’t know Bob Hawke, he was one of Australia’s most popular and effective prime ministers, a true statesman who was an Oxford Scholar and held the Guinness book of records for chugging a yard glass full of beer. This and his amazing social and environmental policies added to his legend.

What was your first step in starting Hawke’s?

Being ad guys we wrote a deck with a vague business plan, but to be honest it was more like a creative pitch deck for a client. First we had to get Bob Hawke on board. Then we needed to find a brewer, we went through two brewers and a lot of beers that didn’t taste amazing before finding the right one. Lastly we need to pour our life savings into starting it. Thankfully it worked.

What struggles did you have? Did you have ideas that failed?

I could go on forever with struggles. Searching for our brewery and venue site was a huge struggle. It took two years and a lot of sites fell through, but it must have been meant to be, because we now have the perfect site and location. Managing the businesses and money is always a struggle to get right which is why it's imperative you need someone with a strong business finance background.Did you have help along the way?

Did you have help along the way?

Yes we were very lucky to meet an amazing financial advisor and CFO early on. They, along with our board chairman who’d previously run the largest beer company in Australia, have been invaluable to the business.

Did you ever consider giving up?

Yes, a few times. Especially early on we had about $20k left in the bank and $120k worth of bills to pay the following week.

What would you do differently if you did it again?

Surround ourselves with the right people earlier on and take on a retail partner from the start.

What advice do you wish you had before you started?

No one tells you how hard starting a business is. Like really tells you. I'm kind of glad they didn't as we may not have done it. Also don't sweat the small stuff. Focus on the big strategic plays that will help to grow the business.

What's the single biggest mistake you made in doing this?

There are two. Hiring badly and thinking we could do everything. 

What is the single most important thing that contributed to your success?


Do you miss your old life? 

Yes I do. I miss being surrounded by highly intelligent creative thinkers and the comradery you seem to get in spades at an agency. All my life long friends I met in the industry and I miss them and the daily banter.